About TİM Focused İnoSuit Program

About TİM Focused İnoSuit Program

About TİM Focused İnoSuit Program

Within the scope of the TIM Focused InoSuit Program, the studies continue without slowing down in 4 lanes: “İnoSuit Preparation, InoSuit General, Value-Added InoSuit and InoSuit Export Champions” based on the scale, export potential, value-added product focus and innovation capacity criteria of the companies. TIM and our Exporters’ Associations provide 50 percent support to companies accepted into the program.

Firm and mentor applications continue for the TIM Focused InoSuit Program, the fifth term of which will start on March 1, 2023, and the deadline for applications for a limited number of quotas is January 27, 2023. Firm applications to the program are via the link https://tim.org.tr/tr/inosuit-firma-kayit, mentor applications are

It will be held online via https://tim.org.tr/tr/inosuit-mentor-kayit link and the promotional image of the program is presented below.

About the Focused InoSuit Program