About Us

Who Are We?

As an Industrial Park, which has established ties with world economies, has an industry-oriented, permanent economic development strategy and the ability to create/implement policies accordingly, we are leading modern industrialization far beyond the industrialization threshold.

A New Generation IP Is Ready For Future

With All Kinds of Infrastructure,
Social Facilities Support Elements, and Service Concept!

Our History

Foundation Studies
The establishment of the Manisa Industrial Park was initiated by the Manisa Chamber of Commerce in 1963, with the financial support of the Manisa Commodity Exchange, when the Chamber of Industry of the Union of Chambers of Turkey did the feasibility study of the Park.
1964 - 1966
Meeting with Industrialists
On 10 July 1966, a loan agreement was signed between Manisa Chamber of Commerce and Türkiye Halk Bank.
Following the loan agreement, land purchases were started and a tender was made on March 15, 1968, and infrastructure construction began in July 1968. Since January 1970, space has been allocated to industrialists.
1986 - 1997
Keep Growing
As in the 1st part, when the occupancy rate reached 90%, the establishment of the 3rd part of the Park started in 1997. Expropriation procedures were completed in 1998 and infrastructure works were completed in August 2001. As of December 2003, the land occupancy rate of the 3rd part of the Park reached 100%.
2003 - 2007
An IP Managed by Its Industrialists
After the first General Assembly held on 11 July 2008 with the participation of the majority of the industrialists of the Manisa Industrial Park, the Manisa Industrial Park began to be managed by its own industrialists. As of August 2011, the allocation of all parcels has been completed and 100% occupancy rate has been reached in the 4th and 5th sections.
2011 - 2020
Transformation of Manisa IP
The new mission, vision and 3-year strategies of the Park were determined and the transformation studies of MIP were started to create a modern industrialization center.
1963 - 1964
Ministry Approval
In 1964, Manisa Industrial Park Facility and Development Project was submitted to the Ministry of Industry, and its feasibility was determined. The Credit Undertaking requested by the Ministry of Industry was signed by the Manisa Chamber of Commerce on 1 June 1966.
1966 - 1986
First Growth
Since it reached 90% occupancy in 1986, it was considered to enlarge the Park and with the decision numbered 86/11103 taken by the Council of Ministers on October 14, 1986, land purchases began rapidly in the area where the 2nd part of the Park would be built. Following the completion of the land purchases, a contract was signed with the contractor company in November 1989 for the construction of the infrastructure constructions, and the infrastructure constructions were completed in November 1991 and the temporary acceptance was made and the 2nd part of the Park was put into service.
1997 - 2003
An Ever-Growing Potential
In parallel with the increasing industrial potential in the Park, it has been decided to form the 4th section located in the west of the existing Park and the 5th section of the Park, which is located in the North and includes the Logistics Center to be established in connection with the railway. The expropriation works and infrastructure tender for the 4th section of 3,759,600 m² and the 5th section of 743.000 m² were completed in 2006, and land allocations were started at the beginning of 2007.
2008 - 2011
Period by Period Growth
Studies of the 6th part of the Park started in 2015. In 2020, infrastructure and expropriation works of 6th and 7th parts were completed.
2021 – Present

Our Vision & Mission

To be a pioneer and innovative Industrial Park with high brand value at international level.
Our Mission
To create value for the industry and society by leading the transformation that will carry our country to the future, while supporting competitive production by ensuring that the industrialists reach the resources they need in sustainable and economic conditions.


Gelecek için profesyonel çözümler üretiyoruz

MIP with Numbers

16.000.000 m²

Area Distribution


Solidity ratio


Number of Businesses

Under Construction

Consumption Values

Manisa Industrial
Park Total
Values in 2023


1.574.952.628 kWh.


13.368.862 m³


201.369.454 Sm³


673.590 ton


31.980.317 kCal


Total Number of Employees

9.6 Billion USD

Foreign Trade Volume

Indispensable Values of Our Region

Hasan türek
Metin Ersin
Burhan Kurtoğlu
Hasan Terzi
Yusuf Sarıbekir
Ahmet Nazif Zorlu
Cevdet İnci
Yusuf Karaoğlu
İsmail Kahraman
İsmail Sarıgözoğlu
Dilaver Vardarer
Mengü Pekcan
Ekrem Elginkan
Necip Turagankur
Mustafa Çapra
Ahmet Tütncüoğlu
Oktay Erol Pulcuoğlu
Halil Yurtseven
İsmail Tiryaki Bey
Güngör Çalışır