Vehicle Supply Manufacturers Association (TAYSAD) visited Manisa Industrial Park.

The delegation consisting of TAYSAD members made a series of visits to the Manisa Industrial Park. First of all, Industrialist from Manisa, TAYSAD Board Member Mustafa Sarıgözoğlu is the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Sarıgözoğlu Hidrolik Makina ve Kalıp San. Trade A.Ş. factory, the meeting was held. After the meeting, the delegation; Manisa Industrial […]

Japanese Investors Admire Manisa IP

Japanese investors turned their attention to Manisa IP, which was chosen as one of the ‘top 10 industrial parks to invest in’. Manisa Industrial Park is shown as an example with its successful works both in Turkey and in the world with its investments in education, health, security and social responsibility areas as well as […]

Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk admired MOSTEM…

Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk examined the School, listened to and chatted with both students and teachers, watched the works personally, and after what he saw and heard, “You are in a model that can set an example for Turkey. I would like to thank everyone who worked here.” Minister of National Education Ziya […]

Tournament Excitement Ended in MIP.

The MIP Basketball League, which was held for the first time this year with the aim of getting away from the work stress of the employees and strengthening social relations in the Manisa Industrial Park, which is the pioneer of innovations, came to an end. Teams from Manisa Organized Industrial Zone, Vestel White Good, Vestel […]

Manisa Industrial Park Traditional Table Tennis Tournament has ended.

The traditionally held MIP Table tennis tournament was held on April 6, in a magnificent atmosphere in the MOSTEM Indoor Sports Hall, with a Sportsmanlike struggle. The competitions attended by twenty-two teams started after a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem. The families of the athletes and the sports fans who […]

Manisa IP Becomes a Breath to the Future with 11,111 Saplings

T.R. Within the scope of the “Breath to the Future” campaign carried out by the General Directorate of Forestry of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry across Turkey on 11.11.2019, 11,111 saplings were adopted by the Manisa Industrial IP. In addition, a sapling planting ceremony was held for the commemorative forest consisting of approximately 200 […]

Manisa Industrial Park is on the Road to Excellence

Manisa Industrial Park received the Certificate of Competency in Excellence in the EFQM Excellence Model with a 4-star level.   Manisa Industrial Park signed the National Quality Movement Goodwill Declaration with KalDer in November 2016 to implement the EFQM Excellence Model developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), and in November 2017, the […]

Young’s Innovative Ideas Competed

MIPHackathon@MCBU, organized in cooperation with Manisa Celal Bayar University and Manisa Organized Industrial Zone, was held on 28-29 December 2019 at the Central Library of MCBÜ Martyr Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Campus. There was great interest in the Idea Contest, which is the first Hackathon organized by an Industrial Park in Turkey. 49 teams consisting […]

The “Made in Manisa Gala” and Award Ceremony, which took place for the third time this year, was held at the “Kaya Termal Hotel”

The pride night “Made in Manisa 2020”, in which Manisa IP, which is among the oldest and largest industrial parks of Turkey, rewarded the traditional companies operating in the Region, was held with a magnificent organization. Manisa Deputy Semra Kaplan Kıvırcık, Manisa Governor Mustafa Ahmet Deniz, Manisa Celal Bayar University Rector Ahmet Ataç, Manisa OIZ […]

The Innovation Center of Manisa will be Established in the Industrial Park of Manisa

Manisa Industrial Park and T.C. A “Cooperation Protocol” was signed between the Ministry of Industry and Technology, General Directorate of Industrial Parks, regarding the establishment of an Innovation Center in Manisa IP. T.R. Manisa Industrial Park was selected as the pilot IP as a result of the studies carried out since 2017 within the scope […]