Manisa Industrial Park Breakthrough Another First
Manisa IP Z.E.K.I. Within the scope of the pilot project to be implemented in the Life Center, the mentally handicapped youth of Manisa, who started their business life in the sheltered workplaces operated by the leading companies of Manisa IP, will transition to the factory environment with the “Manisa IP Z.E.K.İ.+ Project”. With the Z.E.K.İ.+ […]
We held the opening and promotion meeting of our INTRAC Innovation Center Office online.
As a result of the studies carried out since 2017 within the scope of the “Technology Development Project in IPs” in partnership with the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Strategy and Budget Department, the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), our Manisa Industrial […]
The Role of the Supply Industry in the Future of the Automotive Industry Workshop Evaluation Meeting was held.
An evaluation meeting was held on the Role of the Supply Industry in the Future of the Automotive Industry Workshop, which will be held in cooperation with the Manisa Industrial Park Innovation Center and Zafer Development Agency. At the meeting attended by the representatives of TAYSAD member companies operating in MIP, ideas were exchanged regarding […]
Manisa IP ZEKİ Life Center, a First in Turkey, Has Been Qualified to Get Accessibility Certificate
Manisa IP, which is a first in its field in Turkey, has passed the inspections of the Accessibility Monitoring and Supervision Commission of the Provincial Directorate of Family, Labor and Social Services and was entitled to receive the “Accessibility Certificate”. ZEKİ Life Center, which started its work in May 2015 and has been carrying […]
MOS Logistics Services Inc. Provides Sustainable, Safe and Contemporary Logistics Service to the Industrialists
Manisa Industry Park (MIP) Lojistik Hizmetleri A.Ş., which is a subsidiary of 100 percent Manisa Industrial Park, provides sustainable, reliable and contemporary logistics service to industrialists at international standards. To create employment increase by reducing the freight costs of the existing industrialists and by channeling the freight gains to new investments, to make the industrialists […]
Manisa IP Continues to Grow Despite the Global Epidemic.
Sait C. TÜREK, Chairman of the Board of Manisa Industrial Park, which is among the most developed industrial parks in Turkey, announced that Manisa IP continues to grow despite the 2020 global epidemic. Emphasizing that we are going through a very difficult period as the whole world, but that the difficult process has been successfully […]
Information Meeting of the Zeki+ Project, which paves the way for the mentally handicapped youth to the factory
Manisa Industrial Park has rolled up its sleeves to pave the way for mentally handicapped young people to work in a factory environment with the ZEKİ+ Project, which is planned as the second phase of the Manisa IP Protected Workplace (ZEKİ) Life Center for the Mentally Handicapped, which is a first in its field in […]
The Evaluation of Protected Workplaces in the Focus of Skills Workshop Online Meeting was held
The workshop on “Evaluation of Protected Workplaces in the Focus of Skills” was organized online by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, General Directorate of Services for the Disabled and Elderly, and Manisa Industrial Park Directorate on 19.11.2020. Deputy General Manager of Disabled and Elderly Services, Mr. Faik YILDIRIM, Head of Social and […]
Signatures Signed for Education-Industry Cooperation in Manisa
Manisa Industrial Park is adding a new one to its employment-based projects it carries out within the framework of its strategic goals. For the young new generation of Manisa, within the scope of the project based on increasing the qualified employment power in the industrial park, strong stakeholders came together in order for the youth […]
Accessibility Flag Hanged on “Zeki Life Center”
Manisa IP Protected Workplace (ZEKİ) Life Center for the Mentally Handicapped, a first in its field in Turkey, was granted the Accessibility Certificate on January 8, 2021, after passing the inspections of the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services Accessibility Monitoring and Supervision Commission, The“Accessibility Flag” was hung at the ceremony. Before the ceremony, […]