Minister Examined Technological High School

Minister Examined Technological High School

Minister Examined Technological High School

On Thursday, December 1, 2017, the Minister of National Education Dr. İsmet Yılmaz visited the newly completed sections of the Private Manisa Industrial Park Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and made inspections.

MOSTEM (Private Manisa Industrial Park Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School), which sets an example for Turkey in vocational and technical education with the cooperation of school and industry, has a sports complex for 1,700 people, amphitheater, a dormitory with a capacity of 192 students, and blocks B and C. The official opening will be made by the Minister of National Education İsmet Yılmaz. Sait Türek, Chairman of the Board of Manisa Industrial Park, said that MOSTEM has become a large campus where 2,300 students can receive education, with the additional buildings costing 45 million liras.

Stating that MOSTEM emerged from the determination to meet the qualified personnel needs of the Manisa Industrial Park in a qualified education environment and set an example for many schools in the country, the Chairman of the Board of Manisa IP Türek said: we are trying. We train technical staff who are not looking for a job, but who think like an engineer. The most important advantage in the race to become the technological leader in the world is the trained manpower. As a result of technological developments, we see industry 4.0 everywhere and in MOSTEM today. Our school is an education home where STEM education, learning by living and technology and education are fused.

Adding that MOSTEM has all the technological infrastructure required by being a contemporary vocational school, Türek said, “We are aware that we have to stand at a point that produces technology, not just consumes it. As MIP, we train personnel in branches and branches that meet the needs of our industrialists. We are ready to do everything in our power to meet the needs of not only Manisa, but also Turkey.”