Science Industry and Technology Minister Faruk Özlü wanted other IPs to take this as an example.

Science Industry and Technology Minister Faruk Özlü wanted other IPs to take this as an example.

Science Industry and Technology Minister Faruk Özlü wanted other IPs to take this as an example.

Noting the importance of the workplace established by Manisa IP, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Faruk Özlü wanted other IPs to take this place as an example.

Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Faruk Özlü visited the Protected Workplace for the Mentally Handicapped, built by the Manisa Industrial Park. Minister Özlü was accompanied by Manisa Governor Mustafa Hakan Güvençer and AK Party Manisa Deputy Selçuk Özdağ. Sait Türek, Chairman of the Board of Manisa IP, gave information to Minister Faruk Özlü about the Protected Workplace for the Mentally Handicapped. Stating that there are 12 workshops in the center, which is built on an area of 5811 square meters for disabled young people to make production, Sait Türek noted that 44 disabled young people produce for 5 factories in Manisa IP.

Minister Özlü visited the workshops at the ZEKİ Life Center one by one and chatted with the disabled youth. From time to time, disabled people hugged and showed affection to Minister Özlü. Drawing attention to the importance of the workplace established by Manisa IP, Minister Özlü wanted other IPs to take this place as an example.