Egemas Machine Chemistry Ind. and Trade Co. Ltd.
Egemas, whose first foundations were laid by Adil Çetingöz in 1947, is the owner of all the firsts in our country in the Vegetable-Fruit Sorting and Packaging sector, where it has been operating since 1965, with its corporate identity. With the Vegetable-Fruit Sorting and Packaging Lines, Weighing Systems, Pallet Wrapping and Hydrocooling Systems and Post-Harvest […]
Eco Cold Cooling Industry and Trade Inc.
Doğuş Valve and Casting Ind. Trade Inc. Manisa Branch
Founded in Izmir in 1988, DOĞUŞ VANA offers a wide range of products used to manage the most valuable resource in our world. Focusing on quality, durability and efficiency, DOĞUŞ VANA constantly improves itself to ensure that its products work flawlessly for years. DOĞUŞ VANA family consists of highly experienced and highly motivated individuals. Employees […]
Çelsan Agricultural Tools Ind. and Trade Inc. Manisa IP Branch
BMS Kitchenware Water Treatment Sys. Constr. Industry Internal and Foreign Trade Inc.
BMS Kitchenware Water Treatment Systems Construction Industry Internal and Foreign Trade IIcorporated Company was established in 2006 by taking over the 30-year-old BMS brand. Since 2008, it has been operating in Manisa Industrial Park in an area of 6000 m2. Its product range is the production of stainless steel kitchenware and water purification systems, water […]