The Innovation Center of Manisa will be Established in the Industrial Park of Manisa

The Innovation Center of Manisa will be Established in the Industrial Park of Manisa

The Innovation Center of Manisa will be Established in the Industrial Park of Manisa

Manisa Industrial Park and T.C. A “Cooperation Protocol” was signed between the Ministry of Industry and Technology, General Directorate of Industrial Parks, regarding the establishment of an Innovation Center in Manisa IP.

T.R. Manisa Industrial Park was selected as the pilot IP as a result of the studies carried out since 2017 within the scope of the “Technology Development Project in IPs” carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). An Innovation Center will be established in Manisa IP within the scope of the model study that will set an example for all IPs of Turkey.

The Cooperation Protocol, which covers the coordination of the pilot implementation and subsequent studies to be carried out within the framework of the “Technology Development Project in IPs”, which is carried out to develop models that will enable IPs to take an active role in entrepreneurship, innovation and technology development, has been signed by Manisa IP and T.C. It was signed between the Ministry of Industry and Technology, General Directorate of Industrial Park. The signing ceremony hosted by Manisa IP was attended by T.C. Orhan KILIÇ, Head of Department of the General Directorate of Industrial Parks of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Sait C. TÜREK, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Manisa IP, Funda KARABORAN, Regional Manager of Manisa IP, T.R. Ministry of Industry and Technology and T.C. Many faculty members, industrialists and R&D Center managers attended, along with the Presidency Strategy and Budget Presidency experts.

After the protocol signing ceremony, a two-day workshop program was started, in which the formation of the Manisa Innovation Center to be established in Manisa IP will be evaluated. The Manisa Innovation Center, which will be established within the framework of the pilot implementation, will not only serve the companies in the IP, but will also include companies outside the IP entrepreneurs and the regional ecosystem, and in this context, it will increase the entrepreneurship and innovation capacity of Manisa province.